Saturday, February 29, 2020

Beck Anxiety Inventory

Beck Anxiety Inventory Below is a list of common symptoms of anxiety. Please carefully read each item in the list. Indicate how much you have been bothered by that symptom during the past month, including today, by circling the number in the corresponding space in the column next to each symptom. Not At All Mildly but it didn’t bother me much. Moderately – it wasn’t pleasant at times Severely – it bothered me a lot Numbness or tingling 0 1 2 3 Feeling hot 0 1 2 3 Wobbliness in legs 0 1 2 3 Unable to relax 0 1 2 3 Fear of worst happening 0 1 2 3 Dizzy or lightheaded 0 1 2 3 Heart pounding/racing 0 1 2 3 Unsteady 0 1 2 3 Terrified or afraid 0 1 2 3 Nervous 0 1 2 3 Feeling of choking 0 1 2 3 Hands trembling 0 1 2 3 Shaky / unsteady 0 1 2 3 Fear of losing control 0 1 2 3 Difficulty in breathing 0 1 2 3 Fear of dying 0 1 2 3 Scared 0 1 2 3 Indigestion 0 1 2 3 Faint / lightheaded 0 1 2 3 Face flushed 0 1 2 3 Hot/cold sweats 0 1 2 3 Column Sum Scoring – Sum each column. Then su m the column totals to achieve a grand score. Write that score here ____________ . Interpretation A grand sum between 0 – 21 indicates very low anxiety. That is usually a good thing. However, it is possible that you might be unrealistic in either your assessment which would be denial or that you have learned to â€Å"mask† the symptoms commonly associated with anxiety. Too little â€Å"anxiety† could indicate that you are detached from yourself, others, or your environment. A grand sum between 22 – 35 indicates moderate anxiety. Your body is trying to tell you something. Look for patterns as to when and why you experience the symptoms described above. For example, if it occurs prior to public speaking and your job requires a lot of presentations you may want to find ways to calm yourself before speaking or let others do some of the presentations. You may have some conflict issues that need to be resolved. Clearly, it is not â€Å"panic† time but yo u want to find ways to manage the stress you feel. A grand sum that exceeds 36 is a potential cause for concern. Again, look for patterns or times when you tend to feel the symptoms you have circled. Persistent and high anxiety is not a sign of personal weakness or failure. It is, however, something that needs to be proactively treated or there could be significant impacts to you mentally and physically. You may want to consult a physician or counselor if the feelings persist. Beck Anxiety Inventory Scoring August 4, 2009 | Posted by SWilson After rating each of the twenty-one anxiety symptoms on the Beck Anxiety Inventory from 0 to 3, the ratings are totaled for the individual’s Beck Anxiety Inventory score. If you’d like to see how you would score, you may rate the twenty-one anxiety symptoms in the Beck Anxiety Inventory sample. The Beck Anxiety Inventory sample is in the post titled â€Å"The Beck Anxiety Inventory.† The Beck Anxiety Inventory scoring is sim ple. The person’s total score will fall within one of the ranges for the Beck Anxiety Inventory scoring. If the person’s score is under twenty-one, the person is considered to have a very low amount of anxiety. A score between twenty-two and thirty five demonstrates moderate anxiety. A person with moderate anxiety can often benefit from stress management to relieve anxiety.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16

Paper - Essay Example Other established businesses have sufficient capital for investment and offer substitute products for students who arrive in college late at nights (Bradford, n.p). This is because the students cannot afford taxis to access the other outlets that sell healthy foods at high prices so their only option is to visit the nearby restaurants. Indirect competitors would be those restaurants offering a substitute for our product. Apart from offering pizzas and barbeques, the indirect competitors also provide substitute products such as soft and energy drinks (Bradford, n.p). This is in relation to the use of similar marketing mix that targets the same customer bases. As a result, it is essential to adopt a strategic option that attempts to counter the emerging competition. For instance, in order for our company to attract more clients and beat competition, it is vital to offer healthier foods that do not contain many calories. The market opportunity exposed in the dining industry is that the direct competitors cannot provide healthy foods at cheaper prices and so it is our intention to improve on this service by supplying clean and nutritious foodstuffs at reasonable

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Pros and Cons of the Implementation of Accounting Standards Essay

Pros and Cons of the Implementation of Accounting Standards - Essay Example The question also arises as to whether or not the accounting standards are effectual in improving the quality of accounting information or these happen to be a waste of time and money.The other matter concerns with the need for standardization of accounting standards in Europe, or in other words, is standardization the best possible solution to implement accounting standards in Europe. Hence, this essay encompasses the discussion on advantages and disadvantages of accounting standards combined with a discourse on the effectiveness of standardization in Europe.Accounting standards are basically the set of policies and procedures that are commenced by a specific body responsible for standard setting. Apparently, as the name suggests, these standards are set out to direct the recognition, preparation, and demonstration of accounting and financial information in a company's financial statements. Fogarty et al. (1994) describe accounting standards as the guidelines the purpose of which is to delineate a procedure to present transactions and outcomes in the company's financial statements. ... Therefore, the investors as well as the management, both remain aware of the standards to be followed for the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Formulation and implementation of accounting standards connote that there is uniformity of the procedure through which the companies account for various transactions, prepare the reports and present it to the shareholders. If the accounting standards are fair and unprivileged, it further suggests a binding investor trust in the company that all the information presented to him is true and fair devised and displayed under the prescribed standards. This, on one hand, leads to enhancement of investor confidence and on the other, maximises regulation on the companies to present a genuine picture of its position and performance. In short, the accounting standards are meant to enhance both, the investor trust and transparency. Moreover, when all the companies prepare their financial statements in full compliance with the accounting standards, it leads to the comparability between the financial statements of various companies for the purpose of improved decision making. It was this need for transparency, investor protection and comparability that led to the development of International Accounting Standards (IAS) to promote all these factors on an international level as a consequence of globalization. These accounting standards are also meant to serve all these functions but among international companies.Â